The serum I've injected you with is neutralizing the T cells within your body. Put simply, the Umbrella Corporation is taking back its property. You just didn't work out, so you're being recalled.
A year after the events of 'Resident Evil: Extinction'', the Alice clones attempt to kill Albert Wesker at the current Umbrella Headquarters, a huge structure just beneath Shibuya Square. The clones manage to kill the entire branch, but Wesker makes his way to his private charter plane and escapes before activating a bomb, leaving a massive sinkhole. However, the real Alice boarded his aircraft beforehand. As she pulls a gun on him, Wesker injects her with Anti-Virus before the lack of a pilot makes the aircraft crash in the mountains outside Tokyo. Only Alice emerges from the crash alive. 6 months later, Alice travels back to the United States in an airplane following emergency broadcasts from a safe haven known as ''Arcadia''. En route, Alice locates the helicopter in which the team escaped the Umbrella facility, and is attacked by her; Alice destroys a spider-like device on Claire's chest, giving her amnesia and pacifying her. They travel to the ruins of LA in a plane, where they find survivors living in Twin Towers Correctional Facility (a prison) surrounded by the infected. Luther West leads the small band which includes Wendell, Crystal Waters Bennett, Kim Yong and Angel Ortiz (Sergio Peris-Mencheta). With their help, Alice lands on the prison's roof and learns ''Arcadia'' is not a fixed place, but a cargo tanker traveling along the coast. However, ''Arcadia'' has stopped broadcasting and has remained still for 4 days; since the prison is surrounded, there is no safe way to reach the ship. Claire remembers arriving at the ''Arcadia'', but nothing else. As they need to reach the ''Arcadia'', Luther takes Alice to the last inmate; [[Chris Redfield]], who insists he fell victim to a prank from the other inmates, and will reveal an escape route for freedom. Luther guides Alice to the showers to clean up, but she discovers Wendell, who was trying to [[Voyeurism|peep]]. They are attacked by a group of Resident Evil 5 infected that tunneled into the prison, and take Wendell; she manages to kill them all. Out of options, they free Chris, who explains Claire is his sister. Chris reveals the prison keeps an armored car they can use to escape. However, a giant axe-wielding monster begins breaking down the gate. Alice, Chris and Crystal go deeper into the prison to get guns from the armory; Luther and Claire reinforce the gate to keep the undead at bay. Alice, Chris and Crystal make it to the armoury, but zombies kill Crystal. Angel informs Bennett and Yong the car is missing its engine and it would take a week to fix. Desperate to live, Bennett shoots Angel, abandons Yong, and heads for ''Arcadia'' in Alice's airplane. The Axeman breaks down the gate, allowing the zombies into the facility. With no other choice, the group decides to use the zombie-dug tunnels to escape into the sewers. Yong is slashed in half by the Axeman, whom Alice and Claire then face. Alice is knocked out; Claire defends Alice and just before it can kill her, Alice awakes and shoots a hole in its head. The two meet up with Chris at the end of the sewers, but lose Luther to a zombie that drags him back into the tunnels. Alice and the Redfields board the ''Arcadia'', discovering it functional but abandoned. Claire then remembers that ''Arcadia'' is an Umbrella trap to get test subjects; they release the survivors, among them K-Mart. Alice follows a trail of blood from an empty holding cell deeper into the ship, where she finds Wesker. The T-virus revived him, but it battles Wesker for control, something he believes fresh human DNA can pacify; the Umbrella staff fled when he began eating test subjects. Alice's DNA is superior to his, since she retained control despite bonding with the virus at a cellular level; he believes eating her will give him back control. The Redfields fight Wesker while Alice battles Bennett, who now works for Wesker. Wesker easily overpowers Chris and Claire, but Alice is able to defeat both Bennett and Wesker with help from K-Mart. They lock Bennett in the room with Wesker's corpse; Bennett is devoured by Wesker when he revives. Wesker then escapes in an aircraft, activating a bomb on the ''Arcadia''; the plane explodes instead as Alice placed the bomb there beforehand. Unbeknownst to them, Wesker parachuting away from the explosion, while Luther emerges from the sewers, battered but alive. Alice resolves to turn ''Arcadia'' into a real haven and broadcasts a new message for any other survivors. As Alice, Clarie and Chris watch over from ''Arcadia'', it is approached by a military [[Squadron (army)|squadron]] of Umbrella [[Tiltrotor|aircraft]]. During the post-credits scene in one of the aircraft, Jill Valentine, who went missing after ''Resident Evil: Apocalypse'', is dictating the attack wearing the same mind control device used on Claire.