The Omen III |
"Out of the angel isle he shall bring forth a deliverer."
The daggers have been discovered whilst drilling took place in Chicago, and after being sold, auctioned and passed they end up in the hands of the brothers who inhabit the monastery in Italy (Benito, Martin, Matteus, Paulo, Simeone and Antonio). They know that Damien is the anti Christ, yet at the same time want to ensure the safety of the second coming. Each of the brothers are given one of the sacred daggers, and agree that they must travel to England to destroy Damien and/or protect the forecast event. Meanwhile Damien Thorn, now aged 32, is at the helm of Thorn Industries, and operating all over the world. When the president offer him the post of Ambassador to Britain he jumps at the chance, knowing that the second coming will occur in Britain he obviously sees it as the ideal opportunity to exterminate his adversary. Of course first things first, the existing ambassador needs to be exterminated, and Damien sets about continuing his work that will ultimately lead to the reign of the beast. This second coming is confirmed by a group of astronomers, who identify the convergence/alignment of three stars (De Carlo Trinity alignment) as it is written in the great book!! Damien also travels to England, and as well as appearing on television, meeting his disciples and wooing a local reporter, Kate Reynolds, he aims to discover the whereabouts of the second coming. Of course this is not without incident, and when the first of seven priests attempt to end his life with a dagger, Damien knows that he must be wary and collect the other daggers. The priests maintain that they must focus on locating the holy child, yet most of them just don't seem to listen!! On learning of the time the child will be born, Damien orders the slaying of all male new born's born at a certain time using his network of disciples. He also enlists the help of Kate's son, who very soon becomes one of his disciples. Can Damien discover the birthplace of the Nazerine and slay him to claim the earth for his father, the devil, or will good conquer evil????