Day of the Dead |
"Im running his monkey farm now frankenstein and I want to know what ou are doing with my time...."
The film begins with a group flying over a large city in a helicopter...searching for other survivors who have not turned into the walking dead. Of course the city is deserted and so they fly back to some form of military enclosure where there are only twelve people left, made up of army personnel and civilians. Within this underground bunker exists a power struggle, the army lads (recently losing Major Cooper) are lead by a power hungry Captain Rhodes, who wants order and answers, and of course the researchers who also want answers, but do not want to be ordered around. Whilst all of this discontent occurs there are of course swarms of zombies at the fences of the base, and even a few wandering the enclosure so that the research team can access these zombies and study them. Dr Logan, who is the main medical man, has devoted all of his time to studying these creatures, and informs the group that humans are now outnumbered by 400,000 to 1. Logan adds that the only hope for humanity is by teaching these zombies to behave. Using a particular specimen (Bob) he demonstrates that by rewarding them they can be made behave. Of course the Captain is not best pleased with the results (you want to teach it tricks), stating that many of his men have been lost acquiring these specimens, yet all the professor (or as they call him Frankenstein) can come up with is this..... It isn't long before people start dying as humanities worst attributes surface. The professor is shot by the Captain (who amongst other things discovers that Major Cooper has become one of his specimens) and decides that the rest of the researchers will be fed to the roaming zombies...only sparing the life of the pilot (John). However things don't go quite according to plan and zombies infiltrate the base, whilst Bob also escapes, and after discovering the death of the professor seems to be on a mission of revenge. Who will survive, and what will happen to Bob?????