Jupiter is the fourth brightest
object in the sky, and Galileo's discovery that four points of light
(the four Galilean moons) rotated around the planet disproved the
theory that everything revolved around the earth. It was a major
finding in the supporting of the Copernicus heliocentric theory
of the motions of the planets.
Jupiter's equatorial diameter,
88,846, is 11 times that of the earth. It is 317 times as massive
as the earth and twice as big as all of the other planets in our
solar system combined...with a gravitational pull second only to
the sun. These startling figures begin to give us a picture as to
the sheer size and presence of Jupiter within our solar system.
Jupiter is approximately 485 million miles from us, and we have
had to wait for the space age to see it up close, with its complex
atmosphere, diverse retinue of moons and even a faint ring system.
There have been fly byes (pioneer 10 in 1973, and Pioneer 11 in
1974) and visits to this colossal planet (Voyager 1 in 1979, and
Voyager 2 a few months later), generating many images of the planets
atmospheric features and its four largest satellites. However
it was Galileo, which arrived in 1995, which has provided us with
the most telling evidence to date. This included eye opening images
of Jupiter's surface, the surface of its satellites, and it also
gave the first directly obtained data of the physical and chemical
nature of the planets gaseous upper layers by deploying a probe
into Jupiter's atmosphere.
Crossing Jupiter's surface are
both bright and dark streaks, which are known as zones and belts
respectively. They are essentially long lasting features which have
remained at the same attitudes for at least a hundred years. These
zones and belts are created by jets of wind circulating in alternating
directions. The Galileo space probe found the winds on the planet
to blow at speeds of around 400 miles per hour, and furthermore
such winds may extend thousands of miles below the cloud tops. These
winds may be driven by convection currents produced by an internal
energy source....afterall it radiates twice as much energy as it
receives from the sun because it is still cooling off from its formation.
The clouds markings are a result of chemical reactions and
are also related to the clouds altitudes. Blue clouds lie deepest
within the atmosphere, while brown and white clouds occur higher
up. Rust coloured clouds are highest of all, and could be coloured
by traces of phosphorous brought up by convection from Jupiter's
As a gas giant Jupiter's structure
and composition are radically different to those of the terrestrial
planets. The atmosphere consists of 86% hydrogen and 14% helium,
with traces of methane, water and ammonia. This mixture is thought
to be much like the composition of the solar nebula, from which
the solar system formed. Just beneath the cloud top is a layer of
hydrogen gas. Some 600 miles below this, the hydrogen becomes liquefied,
a point which marks the boundary between the planets outer atmosphere
and its interior. At a depth of between 16,000 and 19,000
miles, and under an estimated 4 million bars of pressure, the hydrogen
becomes metallic, and can conduct electricity. It is thought that
this is what generates Jupiter's powerful magnetic field, 20,000
times stronger than the earths. In the upper atmosphere temperatures
are about –162 Fahrenheit , yet at the planets centre, which may
be that of a rocky core, temperatures increase to 40,000 Fahrenheit.
One other startling fact is
that Jupiter is actually slowing down due to the tidal drag produced
by the Galilean satellites. However the same tidal forces are changing
the orbits of the moons, very slowly forcing them further away from
the gas giant.
Of all the cloud formations
on Jupiter, the most renown has to be the large red spot which has
been observed for more than 300 years. It varies in size, colour
and intensity, and at its largest is 25,000 miles long and 8,700
miles wide. Infra red observations and the direction of its rotation
indicate that the spot is a high pressure region whose cloud tops
are significantly higher and colder than the surrounding regions.
Jupiter's ring was discovered
by Voyager 1 in a single image that was targeted specifically to
search for a faint ring system. Subsequently Voyager 2 was reprogrammed
to take a more complete set of images. The ring is now known to
be composed of three major components. The main ring is about 7000km
wide and has an abrupt outer boundary. The main ring encompasses
the orbits of two small moons, Adrastrea and Metis, which may act
as the source for the dust that makes up most of the ring. At its
inner edge the main ring merges gradually into the halo. The halo
is a broad, faint torus of material about 20,000 km thick and extending
halfway from the main ring down to the planets cloud tops. Just
outside the main ring is the broad and exceedingly faint gossammer
ring, which extends out beyond the orbit of the moon Amalthea.
Jupiter's ring is probably composed
of dust particles less than ten microns in diameter, about the size
of cigarette smoke particles. The origin of the ring is probably
from micro–meteorite bombardment of the tiny moons orbiting within
the ring.
The four largest of Jupiter's
known 60 moons – Calisto, Ganymede, Io and Europa – were discovered
in 1610 by Galileo, and referred to as the Galilean satellites. Ganymede
and Calisto are larger than mercury and Pluto, whilst Europa and
Io are similar in size to our moon. It is also interesting to note
that Io, Europa and Ganymede are locked together in a 1:2:4 orbital
resonance and their orbits evolve together. In a few hundred million
years Calisto will be locked in too, orbiting at exactly twice the
period of Ganymede. Below is a list of some of Jupiter's satellites,
please click on the links to look at each of the moons in more detail....