The density of Mimas (approximately 1.17)
indicates that this moon is mostly composed of water ice with only
a small amount of rock. The surface of Mimas is dominated by an
impact crater which measures 130km across, or almost 1/3 the diameter
of the moon itself. This crater is known as Herschel, and its walls
are approximately 5km high, with its central peak rising 6km above
the crater floor. The impact that made this crater must have nearly
destroyed the moon, and there are even fractures on the other side
of the moon that could be down to the same impact. The surface is
saturated with impact craters, but there are no others that come
close to the size of Herschel. This would suggest that early in
its history Mimas was probably impacted by even larger bodies than
the one that created Herschel which completed destroyed the new
moon, but then the impact debris coalesced again to form the present
day moon.

The surface of this moon is dominated by
fresh, clean ice – and observations have identified five different
types of terrain: craters, smooth planes, extensive linear cracks
and ridges, with at least some of the surface being less than 100
million years old. This means that this moon must have been active
until very recently, possibly through some type of water volcanism.
This moon is however much too small to be heated by the decay of
radio active material. Enceladus is locked in a 1:2 resonance with
Dione, which is similar to the situation with Europa and Io. This
may provide a heating mechanism but it is probably insufficient
to melt water ice. On this premise the moon may there for be composed
of some low melting point material rather than pure water. There
are also signs that Enceladus may be the source of the material
in Saturn's tenuous E ring.

However two fly byes by the Cassini space
craft have revealed that the moon has a significant atmosphere,
and that the source may be due to volcanism, geysers or gasses escaping
from its surface or interior. This is the first time since Cassini
arrived in orbit around Saturn that an atmosphere has been detected
around a moon of Saturn, other than its largest moon Titan. This
moon is the most reflective object in the solar system, reflecting
about 90% of the sunlight that hits it. If Enceladus does have ice
volcanoes, the high reflectivity of the moons surface might result
from continuous disposition of icy particles originating from the

Again this moon also has a low density, indicating
that it is almost completely composed of water ice. The western
hemisphere is dominated by a huge impact crater, known as Odysseus,
and measures approximately 400km across, which is nearly 2/5 of
the moon itself. The fact that such an impact did not shatter the
moon completely indicates that it may have been liquid, or at least
not very solid at the time. The second major feature seen on this
moon is a huge valley (the Ithaca Chasma) which is 100 km wide and
3–5km deep, which runs 2000km, or 3/4 of the way round, the moons
circumference. The point about the moon once being liquid would
mean that impact craters from that era have been smoothed out. As
it froze it expanded and the surface may have cracked to accommodate
the extra volume producing the Ithaca Chasma. The smaller impact
craters we see today are more recent.

This is the densest of Saturn's moons (apart
from Titan, whose density is increased by gravitational compression)
which is compressed primarily of water ice, but also it must have
a considerable fraction of denser material like silicate rock. Though
it may be somewhat smaller than Rhea, it is otherwise very similar
with regard to composition, albedo features and varied terrain.
It is believed that shortly after its formation Dione was active.
Some form of process (perhaps ice volcanism) resurfaced much of the
moon, leaving the pattern of streaks. Later, after the internal
activity and resurfacing ceased, a much less intense series of impacts
occurred. This was concentrated on the leading hemisphere and wiped
out the streak patterns but left them intact on the trailing hemisphere.

It was long thought that this moon was the
largest satellite in the solar system, yet recent observations have
shown that Titan's atmosphere is so thick that its solid surface
is slightly smaller than Ganymede's, yet nevertheless it is still
larger in diameter than mercury and larger and more massive than
Pluto. One of the principal missions of Voyager 1 was to study the
moon, and it came within 4000km of the surface – and indeed we learned
more in that few minutes of the fly by than in three hundred years.
However in 2004 the Cassini orbiter sent further data back, and
in 2005 the Huygen's probe actually landed on the surface of Titan
and sent back images from the surface. This moon is similar to composition
to Ganymede, Calisto and probably Pluto, or effectively half ice
and half rocky material. It is probably differentiated into several
layers with a 3400km rocky centre surrounded by several layers composed
of different crystal forms of ice, yet its interior may still be
hot! Though similar in composition to the rest of Saturn's moons,
it is denser because it is so large that its gravity slightly compresses
its interior.
Unlike all other satellites in the
solar system, Titan has a significant atmosphere. At the surface
its pressure is more than 1.5 bar (50% higher than earth), yet its
composed primarily of molecular hydrogen (as is earth's) with
no more than 6% argon and a few percent methane. However there are
also trace elements of at least a dozen other organic compounds
and water. The organics are formed as methane , which dominates
in Titan's upper atmosphere , is destroyed by sunlight. The result
is similar to the smog found over large cities, but much thicker.
In many ways these conditions are similar to the earths in its early
stages of development when life was first getting started – but
it is this atmosphere that makes it hard to see this moons atmosphere.
Titan has no magnetic field and sometimes
orbits around Saturn's magnetosphere, and therefore it is directly
exposed to the solar wind. This may ionize and carry away some molecules
from the top of the atmosphere and may also drive some of its peculiar
chemistry. At the surface its temperature is about –290F, and at
this temperature ice does not sublimate, yet if this is the case
what type of chemical action creates this smog? There are also scattered
clouds in the atmosphere in addition to the haze. Prior to the arrival
of Cassini it seemed likely that the clouds would produce a rain
of ethane or methane onto the surface, perhaps producing an ocean
up to 1000 metres deep. However at the present time this does not
appear to be the case and there is little doubt that some active
processes are occurring on Titan. There are few if any craters visible,
indicating that the surface may be very young, but it may be that
the lakes are slushy rather than liquid, or that the basins are
not filled all of the time. Huygen's suggest that there is
evidence for precipitation, erosion, mechanical abrasion and other
fluvial activity.
By piecing all of the information we have
together we can begin to form some understanding of this moon. Ground
based observatories have shown a huge bright continent on the hemisphere
of Titan that faces forward in its orbit, and some darker regions
that are suggestive of oceans or lakes. Cassini's IR camera has
also detected a strange bright spot, that as yet remains unexplained.
This is the largest non spherical object
in the solar system, and it would be likely to assume that it is
a fragment of a larger body that was broken off by a large impact
in the distant past. Like most of Saturn's moons Hyperion has a
low density, which indicates that it is composed of ice with a small
amount of rock. However unlike most of Saturn's moons this moon
has a low albedo, indicating that it is covered by at least a thin
layer of dark material, which may be material from Phoebe. Voyager
images and ground based observations reveal that Hyperion's rotation
is chaotic, that is its axis of rotation wobbles so much that its
orientation in space is completely unpredictable. There is only
one other known body in the solar system (Asteroid 4179 Toutatis)
that rotates chaotically but simulations seem to indicate that other
irregular satellites may have done so in the past. Hyperion is unique
in that it is very irregularly shaped, has a highly eccentric orbit
and is near another large moon (Titan). These factors combine to
restrict the set of conditions under which stable rotation is possible.
The 3:4 orbital resonance between Titan and Hyperion may also make
chaotic rotation more likely.
The leading and trailing hemispheres of Iapetus
are radically different. The albedo of most of the leading hemisphere
is about .04 as dark as lampblack, whereas the trailing hemisphere's
albedo is .6 as bright as Europa. This difference is so striking
that Cassini noted that he could see Iapetus only on one side of
Saturn and not the other. One explanation of this is that the leading
hemisphere is dusted with a coating of material knocked off of Phoebe
or some other body. However the colour of the leading half of Iapetus
and that of Phoebe don't quite match. Another possibility is that
some active process within the moon is responsible – yet the puzzle
is compounded by the two sides of the moon being sharply divided.
In 2004 Cassini made its first close encounter with the moon, with
images showing that the dark material overlays the topography, indicating
that it is relatively young. This encounter also revealed another
striking feature, a ridge 13 km higher than the surrounding terrain
that extends at least 1300 km almost exactly parallel with the moons
Phoebe is the outermost of Saturn's known
satellites and is almost four times more distant from Saturn than
its nearest neighbour, Iapetus. Most of Saturn's moons are bright,
but Phoebe's albedo is very low (.05) and so is dark. This moons
eccentric, retrograde orbit and unusual albedo indicate that it
may be a captured comet. Data from Cassini's flyby in 2004 reinforces
this idea with the detection of carbon dioxide trapped within its
rocks. This rules out the earlier idea that it might have been a
captured asteroid and it appears that Phoebe is chemically similar
to Pluto and Triton, and therefore it is probably very similar to
the chemical composition of the outer solar system at the very beginning.