I suggest you drop this quicker than you drop your drawers otherwise I am going to have you for wasting police time With a serial attacker at large, Gene and Alex investigate a rape allegation from a prostitute. Drake has a hard time convincing the team to take the allegation seriously and efforts are blighted by an unreliable witness and the status of the suspect. After a top off Hunt and the team end up chasing a white van in the Quatro.....arresting two men and finding a cargo of Garden Gnoes...stuffed full of drugs. Whilst at the scene Alex finds a distressed female and they take her back to the station, (Nina) who gives little information away about what had happened ot her. Meanwhile a prostitute wants to make an allegation fo rape (Patricia Walsh) - promoted from streets to escort work. Hunt and the team are of course non beleiving . Hunt questions her. she says it happened on boat but rest of info sketchy. Said he said you are beautiful on outside before turning - raped me and he will do it again. slashed 10cm acros left breast but inpure 6 weeks ago young woman delphine Parks - raped - beaten, strangled and left breast slashed. Not a prost but sang in quire. only link are injuries ot breast. Hunt and Drake see Mrs Parks at church - Drake reliases impure is a passage from the bible. cuts breast as its symbolic and has unresolved anger. must stop him befor ehe kilsl again. Hunt - hes a religious nut. Also trixie is ying. boat - mr roseberry sykes - handskae brigae friends with commission of met =- play softly/ Drake - prostitutes need your protection just like anyone else. Police attempt t get nina to leave station - she refuses wanting to remain. Shaz suggests fancy dress on board the boat - cover?? (suboardn) - check out guests for trixies rapists. fancy dress, chris as superman, raymondo as James Bond (although regularly mistaken for a waiter), gene from wild west and Drake as cat woman/. skinny curly hairedbloke - spot a man )waiter0 who was in delphines choir. drake wants to provoke a reaction dsrepsetct for women,,,,flirts ryan burns...roseberry sykes not happy...ray starts fight after another mistake for waiter....swears on bible he had never raped trixie walsh...commissioner...we need to let burns go ray and chris looking after nina. Trixie identifies a soverign ring....u made this all up and I wanna know why - she admits but says she cant say anymore. nina confesses to being prostitute and cuts on breast.she knows trixie - trix faked rape to protect. burms motive?? they find a protitute sonia wa with burns in white escort - quatro -abandoned warehouse...stand evidence........drugs...possession 10 kilos cociane