The Litchfield experiment had the highest level of classification and all evidence of this has been destroyed.
The episode opens with two joggers in the suburbs of Greenwich, Connecticut. They run past a house and see a little girl stood at the front of the house alone. They identify the little girl to be Tia and ask where her daddy is, in which she responds by saying he is in the back garden. One of the joggers makes their way to the garden and finds dad sat on a swing - and dead...... At FBI HQ Mulder informs Scully that the male died of hypovolemia after losing 75% of his blood, and that the mans eight year old daughter (Tia) has no memory or recollection as to how his death had occurred. Mulder goes on to say that two puncture wounds were found on the males neck, likening it to cattle mutilation. He states that since 1967 34 states have reported unsolved cases in which the traces were similar, and that areas around the mouth and sexual organs of the cattle were also removed. He goes on to suggest that he has heard of cases of exsanguination - but this is the first case involving a human. Whilst in this case there were no signs of a struggle, there were traces of digitalis, a plant that can be used as a paralytic drug. The agents go to visit Tia at a social services hostel in Fairfield County and they learn that her mother passed away two years previously from ovarian cancer, and that with no other family she would be going into foster care. They speak to the girl and learn nothing more - however later that evening as Tia lies in bed something or someone breaks into her room and steals her away. Meanwhile the agents learn that there had been 'another one,' that is a similar death - this time for one Doug Reardon. He too was married and had one daughter, and the cause of death was exactly the same. Mulder states that despite the murders being 3000 miles apart, they were actually committed at exactly the same moment, and that the daughter, who was present at the time of death, would return from her Sacramento tomorrow. The agents meet the girl the following day and Cindy Reardon looks exactly the same as Tia. they learn from Cindy's mother that they had conceived through IVF, as had Tia's parents - and that this was done at the same clinic. Mulder and Scully end up at the Luther Stapes Centre for Reproductive Medicine, where they learn that both sets of parents came under the supervision of one Dr Sally Kendrick. They are told that she completed a doctorate in bio genetics, and that they had reason to believe that she had tampered with the material and that she was experimenting with eugenics. The Doctor told the agents that she was eventually fired for her misconduct, and Mulder feels that she may now be trying to erase the results of her work. Mulder is then summoned to a meeting with Deepthroat, who talks of the Litchfield experiment developed in the early 1950s at the time of the cold war. He tells Mulder that the US heard the Russians were fooling with eugenics, attempting to create the perfect soldier, and that the US jumped on the bandwagon. Deepthroat reveals that they developed a group of genetically controlled children who were raised at a compound - with the boys called Adam and the girls Eve. He directs Mulder to visit one of the surviving Eve's, Eve 6, who is locked up and restrained in a high security prison. She tells the agents that there were others, but all that is left is her and Eve 7 and Eve 8 (who escaped). She herself looks exactly like Sally Kendrick - however she maintains that she is not her. It is clear that the experiment went wrong..... Meanwhile Cindy is kidnapped in the same way Tia was, despite Mulders attempts to stop it - yet on this occasion the car is traced by Police to a motel 210 miles north of San Francisco. As the agents and Police make there way to the building Kendrick is sat with the two young girls, Tia and Cindy. We learn that the Litchfield experiment had flaws, and that psychotic behaviour developed in the Adams and Eves at the age of sixteen, and homicidal behaviour at 20. Kendrick it appears had attempted to rectify this, but instead her experiment backfired and these two girls had accelerated development. The girls it would seem knew that each other existed (they just did) and that they murdered their fathers, who were not actually their fathers. Kendrick tells them that with the right medication they can be like her - however they refuse and kill her before the Police arrive. Mulder and Scully believe that Kendrick had attempted to kill the children, and volunteer to transport the two children - who have plans for the agents. Mulder however learns other plans and realises what has happened - resulting in the two girls being incarcerated next to Eve 6. However at the end of the episode Eve 6 turns up at the prison - with the girls remarking that they knew she would come.....