This thing exists and the Government knows about it - nothing else matters to me and this is the closest I have ever gotten to it...
The episode opens with a female running through the woods and a bright light engulfing her - the following morning the local Sheriff finds the woman and identifies two apparent lumps on her....he claims that 'it is happening all over again.'..... We then switch to FBI headquarters in Washington DC and one Dana Scully (Special Agent) entering the building and meeting with the head of department. He asks her of her knowledge of one Fox Mulder, an agent who appears to be deviating into unclassified work - the X Files. Dana is aware of Mulder through reputation, he produced a brilliant paper and has the nickname 'Spooky,' - and is told essentially to keep an eye on Mulder and 'scientifically analyse' his investigations. Of course Mulder is a little skeptical when she arrives - knowing that she has been sent by the powers that be to spy on him. We then switch back to the evidence Mulder has gained on the case initially described - the female is the fourth person to have died under mysterious circumstances. Scully feels that science has the answer - claiming the answers are there and he just needs to know where to look. The duo make there way to Bellefleur, Oregon - but on the way they encounter strange interference both on the aeroplane and in the car. Upon arrival Mulder wants to exhume the body of a previous victim. He meets with one Dr Nemmerman who is not happy about them digging up the corpse - Nemmerman immediately goes on the defensive and feels he is being accused of not doing his job properly. This third victim is exhumed and the coffin falls open, revealing what appears to be a strange creature not of this world, 156cm in length and in the advance stages of decay. Mulder concludes that the subject is not human. Scully however argues that this body is not extra terrestrial - rather someone's idea of a sick joke. Throughout her study of the corpse Scully extracts a metallic implant from the nasal cavity. They then move on to the state psychiatric hospital - the victim had suffered from schitozphrenia. Billy Miles and Peggy O' Dell are also being treated at the institution, and both being former class mates of the deceased. Billy appears to be experiencing a waking coma and Peggy, who is wheelchair bound, reveals that she also has the strange bumps evident on the previous victims. In Mulder's opinion they have all been abducted by aliens, yet for Scully there is some form of pronounced psychosis. The next question for both investigators is what were the four victims, who all died in or near the woods, doing in the forest?? They enter the forest that night and Scully is drawn to a collection of bright lights - however the only thing that ementates from it is the local sheriff, who tells them to 'leave or else.' When the investigators get back into their vehicle Scully reveals a handful of ash she claims to have been scattered on the ground - she surmises that the kids may have been involved in a cult that sacrifices human beings. Whilst journeying the car loses power and they appear to have lost nine minutes of time. Back at apartment Scully undresses and panics - she also has bumps - but Mulder confirms they are only mosquito bites. Mulder reveals he was 12 and sister was 8 at the time of her disappearance- she got out of bed one night and vanished, He tells Scully that as a result his family were torn apart and that he has no contact with them. He recalls how he went to school in England and was acquired by bureau (FBI) upon his return to America. From there it seems that he- pursued interests (which related to the disappearance of his sister) and came across the x files by accident. He was fascinated and read 100s of cases - paranormal phenomena and the occult amongst many other strange subjects. As a result he has been blocked from accessing classified information, and that the only reason he continues is because he has connections in high places. Mulder acknowledges that Scullyi is part of a chain to discredit him, and that the Government is all too aware that aliens exist. Mulder feels that he is close to uncover this conspiracy - yet before he can continue the agents receive a call to say that Peggy has been killed. It seems Peggy had been running (lets not forget she cant walk) and knocked over by car. When Mulder and Scully return to their apartment they find that it has been set on fire - and with this all of the evidence they had accumulated was destroyed - Peggy was nothing more than a diversion. They then meet Dr Nemmermans daughter, Theresa, - who tells them she wants protection after waking up in the forest herself - and not knowing how she got there!! However Nemmerman soon turns up and takes his daughter away, and accompanied by the local Detective, who they discover to be Billy's father. Scully concludes that the medical examiner is responsible for the murders - he has lied in his reports and hidden evidence - however Mulder is not convinced and wonders what are in the other two graves.....both are empty. For Mulder Billy Miles is the killer and he has been summoned by some alien impulse...and once again they return to see the comatose Billy. Scully finds dirt on Billy's foot and they agree to return to the forest to take more samples. As they re-enter the forest a scream is heard.....Scully is hit by the detective and Mulder ordered to put his gun down....and then all three see Billy pick Theresa up and he is also marked with the bumps. A bright light follows and the girl disappears - leaving Billy alone wondering what has just happened. The viewer then sees that the marks on Billy have now disappeared - and we next see him sat in an FBI office. He described how he and his friends had been in the forest celebrating their graduation and that a light came and took him away to a place where tests were completed on him. He added that he was told by the light to gather others, and that they put something in his head to convey these orders. Back in the office Scully is cross examined by her bosses - they state that there is no physical evidence and that in such cases they cannot prosecute. Scully leaves her bosses with the object she had taken from the nasal passage of one of the exhumed victims - confirming that lab tests suggest origin of material is not of this earth. This evidence is removed by a man, whom we later know to be the cigarette smoking man. He walks into a huge storage facility in the pentagon and places the object in a drawer....which contains many other similar articles......