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It was the ignorance of Porphyria as a disease that led to the creation of vampire myths in Asia in the middle ages.
We begin in Hollywood Hills and what looks like a wealthy businessman, Garrett Lorre, drinking wine and reflecting on how lucky he was to meet the present female at a corporate party. She tells him that she will do things he no one has ever done with him - yet as things become heated in the Jacuzzi a large male enters as she bites Lorre and he stabs him. The camera pans away to a red horizon - and blazing forest fires light the sky. Mulder re-opens the office that houses the X Files and places Scully's FBI ID and file into his X-Files drawer. Mulder then receives a phone call and makes his way to the house in Hollywood Hills. He learns that in the past year these killers have murdered six people in two states, and that they only kill at night. Mulder deduces that by the end of the week two more people will be killed. It would appear that body in front of them was drained of blood, there are bite marks on the jugular and all of the mirrors in the house had been smashed - similarities shared with the previous murders. There is also writing on the wall with the victims blood - 'he who eats of my flesh and drinks my blood shall have eternal life.' (John 52, 54). Mulder looks at the victims thus far - three in Memphis, three in Portland and now one in Los Angeles. Mulder of course has been waiting for this 'unholy trinity' to re-appear, and builds a profile in which they use needles to extract and store blood for a quick fix later and their need is insatiable but murdering for blood risks exposure. Mulder adds that if his profile holds they have been living and working near blood products for the past months. At The LAPD offices Mulder begins his search for potential work places for the Unholy Trinity, and calls the Hollywood Blood Bank, who confirms that a recent employee (Frank) arrived a few weeks ago and works as a night watchman. Mulder pays a visit to the employee and finds him drinking blood, subsequently cuffing him and taking him into custody. In interview Frank identifies himself as 'the son' stating that there is also the father and the unholy spirit. Mulder asserts that he killed Lorre and that his fingerprints were found at the scene. However the son retorts by asking Mulder if he wants to live forever - refusing to give away the location of the other two members of the trinity. Mulder surmises that the man will talk of he leaves the window open and allows the sunlight to creep towards him - however when the sunlight hits the son he burns and dies. The Coroner asserts that the victim suffered long exposure to extreme heat - although no flammable liquids were recovered from the room. Mulder feels that his illness was psychological, and makes a reference to Porphyria, suggesting that the ignorance of this as a disease led to the creation of vampire myths in Asia during the middle ages. Before leaving Mulder notices a purple stamp on the victims wrist - which turns out to be a stamp from a night club - Club Tepes. At the club Mulder meets Kristen Kilar, who implicates herself in the actions of the Unholy Trinity. We next see Mulder attending another crime scene, where the doctor identifies three different human bite marks on the body. Mulder tracks down Kristen Kilar to an address at Malibu Canyon - yet when he goes further back he also sees that she has lived in Portland and Memphis - the same places the previous killings occurred. At her current address Mulder finds the needles used to store the blood, and informs the attending Police that she would not be returning to the address. However he knows that Kristen will return, and when she does the couple talk. She reveals that she met John (The Son) in Chicago after running away from her abusive father. However John also beat her, and one night after splitting her lip they tasted blood and their appetite developed from there. She stated that she eventually left him and went to Memphis - however the three followed her. Mulder stays with Kristen and the two share a bed. As Kristen goes to the kitchen John (The Son) turns up, stating that he cannot be killed and that she must now kill Mulder. However she runs and Mulder follows - thinking she has left the house. However as he turns back the house goes up in flames - she has set fire to the house with the father, the son and the unholy spirit in their - as well as herself. The episode closes with attending Firemen informing Mulder that they found four bodies all dead - they were simply a pile pf ashes and bones.