On August the 20th and September 5th 1977 2 spacecraft were launched....each one carries a message which may be understood by technologically mature extra terestrial civilizations.
We begin the episode with a voice over from Mulder who tells us that he wants to believe - on August 20th and September 5th 1977 the Voyager spacecrafts were launched from the Kennedy space centre in Florida - each carrying a message that could be understood by extra terrestrial intelligence. !3 years following the launch of the first space craft it passed the orbital plane of Neptune and out of our solar system. On October 12 1992 NASA inherited the high resolution microwave survey, a 10 year search by radio telescopes scanning 10 million frequencies for any transmission by extra terrestrial intelligence - yet less than one year later the project was terminated. Whilst Mulder speaks of how our eyes have been closed, and our ears deafened to the realms of extreme possibilities - at the deserted Arecibo Ionespheric Observatory in Puerto Rico something is happening....a transmission appears to have been received..... Following the closing down of the X-Files Mulder is working on a wiretap investigation whilst Scully lectures students on autopsies at the FBI academy is Virginia. They meet covertly and Mulder claims that both parties are being watched - and perhaps more out of character he questions his own beliefs, suggesting that whilst he has seen many strange things and little green men - they should have solid evidence of this - something they lack. Mulder even questions the disappearance of his sister, wondering if what he saw actually happened - yet it is Scully who tells him not to give up....Mulder later experiences a flash back of his sisters abduction. We then see Mulder entering the office of Senator Matheson, who is listening to the second symphony of Bach. Matheson explains that this symphony is one of many messages aboard the Voyager spacecraft, and that when the sun engulfs the earth in four and a half billion years, Bach will live on aboard that space craft. Mulder tells Matheson that he appreciates the support he receives from him, and that whilst he has let him down he feels that they are close to something - although quite what he does not know. Matheson, who shares Mulder's view that people may be watching, tells Mulder to get himself to the observatory in Puerto Rico, telling him that if he is looking for evidence of contact he must leave immediately. Back at FBI HQ Assistant Director Skinner and the CSM question Scully as to where Mulder may be, but she does not know. However at his apartment she finds something on his computer, a stat of galactic latitudes and longitudes, which she struggles to understand. She takes the print out to the US Naval Observatory in Washington and is told that it looks like an electronic search for extra terrestrials, and that there are a few SETI projects around including the one in Puerto Rico. After analysing international flights out she sees Mulders alias and knows he is heading to Rico. Meanwhile at the observatory Mulder enters the deserted Observatory and finds a distressed male who struggles to understand English. Mulder also finds what appears to be a transmission from beyond our lunar distance - and when the male runs of into the darkness (he seems to be afraid of something) Mulder finds him in nearby woodland - dead. He carries out his own autopsy and concludes that his expression reflects intense fear. He then sees further transmissions coming through the computer - before the building shakes and bright lights appear - throwing open the doors and revealing an alien type entity. Mulder passes out. When Mulder comes around Scully is at his side. They both leave in light of the UFO removal team arriving, but not before Mulder grabs a reel of evidence from the Observatory. They escape with their lives, yet back at FBI HQ Mulder faces disciplinary action. Despite this he returns to his wiretap operation - and upon analysing the reel he finds nothing on it....