He left a list of people who will die.....
A death row inmate, Napolean "Neech" Manley is brought to the electric chair. As his final words he claims that he will be reincarnated to avenge the cruely he has suffered and that five men will die. Mulder and Scully are brought on the case when one of the death row guards is found dead in Neech's cell. Scully finds the body decomposing and covered with maggots. The prisoners believe that Neech has been reincarnated. Scully is grabbed by one of the guards, Parmelly, who tells her that a prisoner, Rocque, has a list of the people who are going to die. Later, the head of the other death row guard is found in a paint can. The examination of the first guard's body finds the lungs filled with larva of a green bottle fly and that he died of suffocation or drowning. Mulder talks to Rocque, who wants a transfer out of the prison in exchange for revealing the remaining three people on the list. The warden refuses to make the deal; the second guard's headless body is found in his office soon afterwards. Mulder reads Neech's diary, finding that he was obsessed with reincarnation, but Scully is skeptical. The two later talk to Neech's widow, Danielle, who is secretly seeing Parmelly. The warden has Rocque brought to the showers where he is beaten to death after revealing that the Warden is the fifth person on the list. After Rocque's death Mulder requests the Warden provide him with the name of Neech's executioner. When the agents arrive at his home they find his decomposing corpse in the attic. Speranza, one of the other prisoners claims that he's seen Neech and that Rocque wasn't on the list. The agents visit Neech's former lawyer, Danny Chavez, who is suffocated with a pillow after the agents leave. Parmelly visits Danielle, who is nervous since the FBI is staking out her house. Scully believes Parmelly to be responsible for the murders. Danielle goes to sleep, waking up later to see Neech by her bed. She grabs her gun and shoots Parmelly, who she believes to be him. Speranza is beaten by the warden, whom he tells that there is still one person left to die.With Parmelly being blamed for the deaths, Mulder and Scully leave. Mulder is frustrated, but Scully convinces him that the case is over and that they should return home. The warden passes them in his car. Looking in his rear view mirror, he sees Neech, who causes the car to crash into a tree, killing him