Behold the mighty cockroach....they can be found in every part of the world from the tropics to the Artic....
An exterminator comes to a Dr. Eckerle's house to kill cockroaches, but clutches his heart and collapses. Later Eckerle finds the exterminator's body, with cockroaches crawling over him. Agent Mulder is coincidently nearby, investigating a series of coloured lights that have appeared in the sky. Mulder talks to partner Dana Scully who is at her home with her dog Quigquag. Two other deaths have been reported, causing people to believe cockroaches are behind them. Nearby a trio of teenagers do drugs and one sees a roach crawl underneath his skin. Trying to get rid of it, he slices himself to death with a razor. Scully provides Mulder with a logical explanation but he finds a cockroach on the ground. Later, another death occurs when the medical examiner is found dead, also covered with cockroaches. Mulder goes to a local government facility when the town sheriff theorizes about whether the government has been breeding killer cockroaches. Inside he sees he walls rippling and is surprised by Dr. Bambi Berenbaum, a USDA researcher who is studying cockroaches. Bambi has great interest in insects and believes that UFOs are actually nocturnal insect swarms. Yet another death occurs in Mulder's hotel. By this point Mulder believes Scully's theories about people the people dying more logical deaths, although now it is Scully who is wondering what is going on and decides to head up there herself. Mulder brings a cockroach he finds to Bambi, who thinks it may be mechanical. Mulder visits the nearby Dr. Ivanov, a wheelchair bound scientist who works on insect-like robots. Scully soon arrives in the town, finding it overrun with panic over the roaches. Scully's attempts to get people to calm down fail. Mulder catches another roach to bring to Bambi, but this time it is a seemingly normal cockroach. Scully finds out that Eckerle was researching methane and importing animal dung, which may have brought the roaches over. Mulder goes with Bambi to see Eckerle at a facility, who is overrun with fear, pulling a gun on him. Scully arrives on the scene and meeets Bambi. When Mulder's phone rings Eckerle shoots at Mulder, releasing methane gas. The agents flee as the facility explodes, covering them in the animal dung. Dr. Ivanov arrives and meets Bambi, and the two leave with each other discussing their interests in insects and robots. That night Mulder writes his report on the case, wondering how humanity would react if insect-like robots visited Earth. Mulder finds a bizarre looking bug by his food, which he crushes with an X-File.