Obviously you underestimated me. More obviously, you overestimated the

          man you sent to do the job.


In Vancouver, an international chess tournament is held at an arena between Anatole Klebanow, a Russian grandmaster, and Gibson Praise (Jeff Gulka), a young American prodigy. In the rafters, the Shooter, an MIB assassin, prepares to fire at Gibson. However, Gibson senses the Shooter's presence, and manages to discreetly dodge the shot, which kills Klebanow instead.

Elsewhere in Canada, the Smoking Man (William B. Davis) is found by Alex Krycek (Nicholas Lea). At FBI Headquarters, Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi) reveals to Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) that Jeffrey Spender (Chris Owens) is leading the case investigating the shooting. Despite Spender's request that Mulder not be involved, he bursts into the meeting and offers the explanation that the assassin was firing at Gibson, not the Russian. In the meeting is Diana Fowley (Mimi Rogers), an acquaintance from Mulder's past. The Smoking Man is reunited with the Syndicate members, including the First Elder and the Well-Manicured Man, who want him to help them with the situation concerning Gibson. Fowley accompanies Mulder and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) as they go visit Gibson in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Mulder believes that Gibson can read minds, hence his expertise at chess. Scully learns that Mulder and Diana know each other from long ago.

Mulder goes to see the Shooter, despite Spender's objections. Mulder wants to give the Shooter immunity in exchange for testimony, which the Shooter refuses. Gibson proves his abilities to a group of clinicians while Scully and Fowley watch. The guard at the prison hands the Shooter a flattened Morley cigarette box that says he's a dead man. Scully visits the Lone Gunmen, wanting them to analyze the data from Gibson. She asks them who Diana is, and they tell her she worked closely with Mulder when he discovered the X-Files. The Smoking Man meets with Jeffrey in the FBI parking lot, but disappears when Mulder spots them talking. Scully and Mulder present to Skinner on Gibson, who displays extraordinary brain activities. Mulder believes that Gibson can unlock all the mysteries in the X-Files, and wants to make a deal with the Shooter. Diana and Skinner think this may result in adverse attention from the attorney general, and that the X-Files could be closed down if things go wrong, but Mulder dismisses that risk.

Mulder meets with the Shooter again, who tells him that Gibson is a missing link. Mulder believes that Gibson has genes that are dormant in most humans. The Smoking Man dismisses the Well-Manicured Man's concerns about Mulder's actions. At the prison, the guard kills the Shooter. Diana Fowley, protecting Gibson in a hotel room, is shot shortly afterwards, and Gibson is captured by the Smoking Man's minions. Skinner tells Mulder of the Shooter's death, and that a flattened Morley cigarette box was found in his cell. Mulder confronts Spender, accusing him of working with the Smoking Man. The Smoking Man turns Gibson over to the Well-Manicured Man. Scully is informed by Skinner that the Justice Department is seeking to have the X-Files shut down. Mulder realizes that this was all part of a plan. The Smoking Man takes Samantha's X-File from Mulder's office, and lights the room on fire. As he leaves, he meets Jeffrey, and tells him that he's his father. By the time Mulder and Scully arrive, the X-Files are completely destroyed






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Episode no. Season 5
Episode 20
Directed by

R. W. Goodwin

Written by Chris Carter
Guest Stars
  • William B. Davis as The Smoking Man
  • Chris Owens as Jeffrey Spender
  • Nicholas Lea as Alex Krycek
  • Mitch Pileggi as Walter Skinner
  • Mimi Rogers as Diana Fowley
  • John Neville as Well-Manicured Man
  • Tom Braidwood as Melvin Frohike
  • Dean Haglund as Richard Langly
  • Bruce Harwood as John Fitzgerald Byers
  • Jeff Gulka as Gibson Praise
  • Original Airdate
    May 17, 1998