Profile - indeterminate height, weight, sex.....unarmed but extremely attractive.
This episodes begins in a nightclub, in which we see a female entice a male back to his home for sex. Afterwards he expresses his pleasure whilst she walks away from the bed, and upon turning he watches her become a male. In the same instant the victim struggles for breath and begins to throw up - before dying. Mulder and Scully arrive at the scene to examine the body of the male - with the attending medic informing them that he died by blowing an artery. Mulder informs Scully that this is the fifth such death, four of which have occurred in the past six weeks. Mulder adds that of the victims two have been female and three male, all of the victims have died in the throes of passion and they have all shared the symptoms of massive coronary arrests. The agents have little to go on, although by plotting the deaths on a map Mulder is able to identify the fact that this killer is moving south, and that the first killing which happened a year ago, is the place to begin looking for answers. The first place, Stevenson, is the home to a sect of religious isolationists, who amongst other things make clay pots. He adds that the clay they use is white clay, which is particular to those hills, and that he had found some of this compound on the latest victim. We then switch to Stevenson, Massachusetts - where Mulder and Scully begin to make preliminary investigations in the local shops - with Mulder looking at photos of members of the sect taken in the 1930s. Whilst in the town they see some of the sect members, and Scully manages to talk to brother Andrew, but when he touches her hand she experiences a strange sensation which renders her temporarily disorientated. Following the meeting Mulder and Scully decide to go up to the sect, and after getting lost in woodland they are greeted by sect members who tell them to give up their weapons as they are not needed. Mulder explains the details of the investigation - however none of their questions are answered. They are asked to leave before nightfall - however Mulder and Scully have other ideas and return after dark. They both feel that the sect is hiding something, and they also noticed that there were no children evident. Furthermore Mulder believes that some of the people he saw in photos of the sect in the 1930s were present - and they looked exactly the same. On returning to the camp they observe some form of ritual, with the members carrying a male into a cellar underneath the barn. Mulder follows whilst Scully remains outside - although brother Andrew spies her and takes her back to his home, telling her he has information on the killer. He tells Scully about brother Martin, his best friend, and how they had found out about the pleasures of life away from the sect - with brother Martin deciding to leave the sect for modern life. Mulder meanwhile sees that the male who was ill at dinner earlier during his visit being embalmed and put into some form of cocoon - and when he needs to hide he notices that this male was still alive, and that he was becoming female. After escaping the barn Mulder rescues Scully from brother Andrew and they return home. They then get to meet a victim of the murderer who survived - he was disturbed by a Police Officer and this being, which was female at the time, escapes. The victim tells the agents that as she left the car she turned to him, and looked like a man. Whilst Scully argues that the killer could be a transvestite they get another break - someone had used the last victims credit card at a hotel down the road. The agents storm the hostel and find another body, but this time they are also in hot pursuit of the killer. After both agents are assaulted Scully thinks she has him/her cornered - until brother Andrew and sect members turn up and take the offender away. The agents immediately make their way up to the sects homeland - only to find that everything has gone. They only have one lead on the whereabouts of the sect.....a crop circle in a nearby field.....