Individuals with past strong life memories often exhibit enhanced psychic ability, especially telekinesis
The episode begins at the home of the New York police, 14th precinct, and a detective leaving to go home. As she leaves the building she spies a young girl who looks lost, and so brings her into the Police building. She leaves the girl with Detective Barbella, who discovers that her name is Michelle Bishop. However as Barbella is left alone with the girl, within the space of seconds we see him hurling through a high rise window...falling to his death.... Mulder and Scully arrive at 14th precinct and are told that there is only one witness to the crime - a young girl called Michelle - and she maintains that there was someone else in the room with them. The duo are told that the department are treating Barbellas' death as suicide. Mulder remains unconvinced and talks to the child, and through an e - fit they come up with an image of the man she claims was in the room with them. Meanwhile Scully talks to Michelle's mother, who describes her daughter as a 'disturbed child' who sees a developmental psychologist twice a week. Their investigations lead them to Brylin Psychiatric Hospital, who believes that the girls problems lie at the source of her extreme rage. She shows Mulder a number of dolls that are all dismembered in exactly the same way - an arm severed and the right eye gauged out. Mulder inquires as to whether deep regressive hypnosis has been attempted to address the issue - but the Psychiatrist states that this was not an option. Scully discovers that Barbella suffered from localised electrocution following the post mortem, and that the e fit produced by the girl had been matched to someone - Officer Charlie Morris who was a policeman who had been dead for nine years - had the girl seen a ghost in the room with her? Mulder discovers that Morris had been killed in Chinatown. Mulder feels that they need to find out more about Charlie Morris and so seek out his former partner on the force, Detective Fiore. At his home he appears reluctant to talk, informing the agents that he was killed off duty and that it was probably a revenge killing by the local gangs as the Police had made sure a lot of smack never made the streets during that time. Following this meeting Fiore goes to meet another cop, Felder, and tells him that the FBI are 'sniffing around' which was making him uncomfortable. Later however Felder gets his scarf trapped in a bus door and dies - with the viewer seeing Michelle as a passenger on the bus. Mulder identifies four cops from two different precincts - Morris, Felder, Barbella and Fiore - and only the latter is still alive - what is the connection? They pay another visit to the Fiore residence and discover from his wife that Fire did not return home last night - and the plot thickens when she tells them that she was originally married to Charlie Morris. The agents also realise that Michelle, who is eight years old, was conceived at the same time Charlie Morris died - is transmigration a possibility? Mulder again meets Michelle and with her mothers permission takes her to see Dr Spitzer, who uses hypnotic regression therapy - however the girl is upset and results are inconclusive. Meanwhile further analysis reveals that Charlie Morris actually died through drowning, and that his body was mutilated to look like it was a signature killing. Fiore returns home to his wife and tells her that she needs to pack asap as they are leaving - but at that time the lights in the house go out. The door to the bedroom locks itself, with Fiores wife in it, and Fiore is left on his own. An electric cable wraps itself around his leg and we then see Michelle facing him. Mulder and Scully arrive at the house and manage to enter - objects are flying and it looks as if Fiore is going to die. Mulder shouts that 'two wrongs don't make a right' and Fiore confesses that he was part of the murder of Morris. We realise that Morris was drowned in his own fishtank - which smashes, and then things calm. We later see that Fiore has been charged with murder in the first degree, grand larceny and in obstructing justice - although the deaths of Barbella and Felder remain as 'accidents.' Meanwhile no charges were brought against Michelle- and as Mulder and Scully leave the girl it would appear that she is now behaving as all girls her age do....