Why would a policewoman driver her car into the middle of a field and proceed to dig up the bones of a man missing for over fifty years.
We begin at Police HQ in Aubrey, Missouri and Detective BJ Morrow telling Lt Brian Tillman that she is pregnant - however he doesn't sound to impressed (he is married) and organises a late rendezvous to discuss the matter. Later that evening she heads out to the Motel Black and experiences some strange visions - where she finds herself in a nearby field digging at some random point. However as she continues to dig she comes across human bones and an FBI badge..... Back at FBI HQ x rays of the teeth from the human remains are taken and a match is found - the body is that of Special Agent Sam Chainey and he worked at the Bureau 40 years before it started to profile violent criminals, and that he and his partner Leadbetter were pioneers in this area. It would appear that they disappeared whilst investigating three murders in Missouri in 1942, and that BJ Morrow was the one who had found the remains. The question remains - why would a detective drive into the middle of a field and dig up the bones of a man missing for fifty years. The agents turn up at the burial site in Missouri and Morrow is vague about how she had discovered the bones. At the coroners office Scully examines the bones and sees that at the time of his death the press were covering the murders of the slasher killer he was investigating - each of the victims being a young female disabled with a blow to the head and the word SISTER carved in the chest. Scully notices cuts on the ribcage of Chainey, and with the help of BJ, who again experiences flashbacks, they see the word BROTHER carved on Chaineys chest when he was killed. Scully also works out that BJ is having an affair with Tillman. Tillman then turns up and Is angered when he sees the photos of the killings, suggesting that they should not have them as it was an ongoing investigation. However Mulder states that these photos were actually from the 1942 murders, leading Tillman to inform them that three days ago a young woman was found dead with the word SISTER carved onto her chest. At the same time Tillman is informed by a fellow officer that there has been a second murder. Later Scully and BJ talk about her dreams and visions, and BJ describes a man who is the killer, and upon looking at a catalogue of mugshots from 1942 she identifies Harry Cokely as the perpetrator. Cokely now lives in Nebraska and is not too keen to see the agents. He tells them that he was released from serving a life sentence in 1993 after being convicted of Rape and Attempted Murder in 1945. He carved the term SISTER on the victims chest - however she was able to escape, and the Police never made the connections to the 1942 homicides. It is clear that Cokely is housebound and that he could not have committed the current murders. Meanwhile back in Missouri BJ wakes up with blood on her hands and face, and the word SISTER carved on her chest - she then finds herself in a house pulling up the floorboards and Tillman arrives to drag her away and to the hospital. However it transpires that she has unearthed another body. At the memorial hospital BJ tells Mulder that Cokeley was in the room with her. Scully finds evidence that Cokely is still murdering when she finds traces of his blood under a current victims nails - suggesting that the strength of this mans psychosis is still driving him on to murder. The agents decide to visit the victim of Cokely who survived - Mrs Linda Thibedeaux who now lived in Nebraska. Scully asks her what happened on the night of the attack and she describes the events, labeling Cokely as pure evil. However it transpires that there were complications in that she had Cokely's child, whom she gave to an adoption agency almost fifty years ago. Back in Aubrey the bones found at the house by BJ turn out to be Chainey's partner Leadbetter, and it further transpires that Cokely rented the house in 1942. The agents feel that the murder in present day Aubrey could be Cokely's grandson, and that would explain the matching blood under the victims fingernail - could it be that genetic memories could be passed down as well as blood - and that BJ is actually the granddaughter. They immediately assume that Linda Thibedeaux will be the next victim, unfinished business, and so rush to her house. Thibedaux and BJ have already met by this time and she tells BJ that they have both been the victim of Cokely's actions, and when Mulder tries to intervene a razor blade is put to his throat by a crazed BJ. However the situation is managed and BJ finds herself at Shamrock Women's prison - where it is suggested that pregnancy could have been the catalyst fro transformation, and the effect on the unborn child is yet to be determined.