'Hello, Kerry. I want to play a game. Up until now, you have spent your life
among the dead, piecing together their final moments. You're good at this
because, you, like them, are also dead. Dead, on the inside. You identify more
with a cold corpse then with a living human. I believe you want to join your
true family, indeed your only family... In death. The device you're wearing is
hooked into your rib cage. By the time this tape is finished, you will have one
minute to find a way out. At the end of that minute... You should know better
than anyone, what happens then. There is a simple key that will unlock the
harness, Kerry. It is right infront of you. All you have to do is reach in and
take it, but do it quickly. The acid will dissolve the key in a matter of
seconds. Make Your choice. '