Toulon's puppets
are all friends of his who were murdered by the Nazis. Here we give a general
account of the puppets features in the series.
Blade appears in all of the puppet master
movies. In life, he was Dr. Hess, a doctor. His quest for this mariacle elixir brought him to Andre Toulon. However,
they got off to a bad start when Toulon's wife, Elsa was murdered on his visit.
So, Hess became an enemy of Toulon and his puppets. However, he later was able
to talk to Toulon without Gestapo cover, knowing his life may be at stake and in
the hands of the puppets, which he admired greatly. From the start, Hess was
fascinated at the puppets and their personalities. He learned of their origin,
and of their secrets. Then, Hess was killed. His life was then put into Toulon's
new puppet, Blade.
Blade wears a trenchcoat
and a fedora, which are like his trademarks. For his left hand, he has a hook,
which is good for him to grasp and pull. His right hand is a knife which he uses
most often. Blade's personality is what draws the other puppets and masters to
him. He is a merciless, viscious killer with no remorse when he is on "duty." He
seeks to please the master at any legnths, for he is very loyal and bonds well.
Pinhead provides the brute life
he was a kind hearted truck driver by the name of herman Straus,
who was executed for smuggling food to the jews. As Pinhead the
kind hearted quality does show through - I would probably describe
him as a gentle giant who is extremely protective of his friends.
Hi sappearance certainly fits his name - a massive body with strong
hands - with a tiny plastic head.
Jester is one of the older puppets and is seen in all Puppet Master movies.
In life, Jester was Hans Seiderman, a book-keeper, meaning he was either an
accountant or a librarian. His endless array of practical jokes and laughs made
Toulon very fond of him. At his death, he became Jester.
Jester works as the lookout, just staying in one
spot or running around, seeing what's going on. But, he's also shy when he is
alone, hiding behind shelves or tables or in vents.
His attire consists of a conicle cap with bells attatched.
You can hear the bells in the original Puppet Master. His top is like
velvet or felt, with black slim pants and golden boots. His belt has a buckle
that is either tragedy {the frowning mask} or comedy {the smiling mask}.
Tunneler Tunneler, another of the puppets to be in all films, is a puppet with
attitude. The crouch makes him one of the most dangerous. On his head is a
drill, which he uses for drilling through his victims.
His only
true defense, of course, being his drill. However, even though he prefers
drilling through heads, he has done his share of drilling through legs, backs,
Tunneler is dressed as an American army man, as he was an American army man.
He was once a slave in the salt mines, making his new puppet form one that does
him justice. He has certainly seen bad times.
Torch is certainly very ruthless and was
brought to life by use of brain material from the already rotting dead animal tissue. He is
very impatient and is easily angered. However, in Puppet Master V, Torch is a
bit more calmed down and a little more patient and friendly, though this loyalty
is only to the master.. Even the other
puppets are warey of him. Blade was astounded when Torch, whom he had never seen
before, came out of nowhere to rescue him in Puppet Master II. Torch is a walking weapon, moreso than the other puppets. His greatest
weapon, for which he is named, is the torch on his right arm. Torch can use it
to light a small flame, or to make a blazing fire.
Six-Shooter is one of the more eager puppets, who enjoys his work. His
identity is unknown, but certainly, he was built for entertainment. Six-Shooter
is a cowboy equipped with six arms, each hand with a gun to go with it. When
he's about to strike, his bandana covers his wicked carved smile.
Unlike the other puppets, he was only shown in Puppet Master
3, 4, 5, and Curse of the Puppet Master. His debut was in part three where
he starts the actual movie in the puppet theatre. He is a mischievious character
though. He is very obedient, but always has the potential to let loose his cruel
streak. As Toulon said in PM3, " Life is one big battle for you, isn't it? Bang
bang bang bang bang and you're happy as a zen boy."
Ms. Leech, also known as Leech Woman, is filled with the life essence of
Elsa, Toulon's beloved wife. She was created originally as a gift to his wife,
instead of painting her portait. When the Germans killed her, he brought her
back to life as Ms. Leech. Now, the reason she's called Ms Leech is because she
has the ability to vomit up leeches to "suck their life's blood away," as Toulon
put it. She is at a disadvantage though. It takes quite a while to fully vomit a
leech, so she must always be out of reach, or her victim must be bound or weak.
only appears in the first three Puppet Movies, and miraculously in Curse of the
Puppet Master, which is impossible, because she was burned to death in PM2.